The Village Cinema runs from September through to June and is generally on the third Saturday of each month: the dates and films are announced in the Parish Magazine, on this website (see below), on posters around the village, and on social media.
The original Slinfold Village Cinema ran on Friday evenings during the winter months from 2002 to 2012. It was a popular social gathering for villagers, as well as providing a good evening's entertainment. The main feature film was always preceded by the popular and often amusing Slinfold Newsreel recording aspects of village life over the previous month - and we show selected excerpts from those old Newsreels before each film.
Ever since that original cinema ceased operating, the number one request people made of the Village Hall was to bring the cinema back, but the costs of doing so were prohibitively high. Then in 2021 the Village Hall was the beneficiary of very generous bequest from the estate of the late Janet and Alan Chisholm, and the trustees decided that the money should be spent on installing cinema-grade projection and sound equipment for a cinema, and anyone else, to use. This has proven to be an inspired decision, with the cinema being a great success - attracting 50-60 people per film, out of a capacity of 68, since lockdown restrictions were ended.
Admission: £5.00
Tickets can be bought here
Doors open at 7:00pm (unless stated otherwise). Please arrive in good time.
Films start at 7:30 p.m.
Wine, soft drinks, snacks & ice cream are available beforehand and during the interval.
For the 2024-25 season, the dates are
For the 2025-26 season, the dates are likely to be; 20th September, 18th October, 15th November, 17th January 2025, 21st February, 21st March, 18th April, 16th May, 20th June.
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This website was designed and produced by Trevor Dayneswood.
Photographs on the website have been contributed by, and are used with the permission of, Trevor Dayneswood or Mark Singleton, except where otherwise acknowledged.
All text and images on this website are © 2004-2025 Trustees of Slinfold Village Hall, except where otherwise indicated.